daisy photographed from below

Prize I

LEONARDO GUȚU, 1959 Moldova

Lives and works in Chisinau, Member of Union of Artists of Moldova

Graduated from the Academy of Arts and Architecture, class of professors Timofei Leashciuk, Alexei Shtanko, Kiev

Important exhibitions: Belgium, Netherlands, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine

Works in public collections: Moldova, Ukraine Works in private collections: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,

Greece, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, USA


Muzeul Naţional de Artă al Moldovei
Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici din Moldova
Centrul de Artă "AMPRENTE"


str. 31 August 1989, Nr. 115, mun. Chişinău, 2012 Republica Moldova


Tel: (+373) 79 54 85 11 (Curator)

Fax: (+373) 22 24 53 32

© Copyright BIP Chisinau